Netezza Support & Housekeeping


Advanced Housekeeping with Smart Management Frameworks

If you want to:

  • Avoid experiencing persistent performance bottlenecks due to stale statistics, bloated system catalogs, or lots of changed rows/tables not being regularly groomed; 
  • Automatically synchronise your Entra ID (formerly Active Directory)/LDAP users, groups, and permissions with all your Netezza databases;
  • Restrict which users/groups can view which rows or columns of a particular table;
  • Automate your backup processes (and then filesystem usage they consume)
  • Benefit from Bi-directional, multi-master Netezza database replication for disaster recovery and load balancing
Then we can automate all of the above with our Smart Management Frameworks product.

Netezza Virtual DBA

Although IBM®’s Pure Data™ for Analytics / Netezza Performance Server systems are incredibly fault tolerant, and require far less effort to administer than a traditional RDBMS, the reality is that unforeseen hardware, software, systemic, or environmental problems can still occur at any time.

Because it’s simply not cost effective for businesses to pay for dedicated Netezza skilled resources to just wait for such problems to occur, Smart Associates can monitor, manage, and maintain your IBM Netezza appliances remotely instead - freeing up your internal resources and providing the Netezza experience you need, right when you need it most.

You choose the scope and hours of cover you need, up to 24x7x365. We then monitor, manage, and maintain your system for one low annual fixed price.

And whenever any manual intervention is required, support incidents are charged on a ‘pay as you go’ basis.

Scope of Virtual DBA Service

Every customer is different. Some prefer to outsource all aspects of Netezza system management and maintenance to us, whilst others prefer to retain some key responsibilities in-house. We understand this, which is why right up front we agree with you who’s responsible for doing what. This can include elements from the following four main categories:

  • Monitoring appliance hardware (e.g. Disk, S-Blade, Host, etc.), and raising and managing support tickets with IBM, including co-ordinating the replacement of failed components.
  • Monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting any RDBMS software issues (on both S-Blades and Hosts), including escalation and management of support tickets with IBM where necessary.
  • Monitoring, diagnosing, and troubleshooting system workload issues (potentially including specific named applications and processes e.g. replication, backup, housekeeping, ETL, reporting).
  • End-user support (potentially including security, permissions, etc.)

Service Delivery

Delivery of the service will be provided by a combination of:

  • Automated monitoring and alerting of problems detected.
  • Remote access to customer networks and systems by dedicated Netezza professionals, as necessary.
  • Raising and managing support tickets with IBM on behalf of the customer (including arranging delivery and installation of replacement parts, as necessary).
  • Dedicated knowledge base for documenting support processes
  • Ticketing system for managing direct customer support requests

Further Information

To download the Virtual DBA brochure, click here.
To learn more about Smart Management Frameworks, click here.
If you would like more information generally about Netezza support and housekeeping, contact us here and we'll get in touch.