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Tag: Virtual DBA

Smart Health
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Netezza systems, like humans, will experience a decline in performance as they age. Also like humans, this decline can be linked to underlying health issues which, if corrected, can result in much of the performance being restored. In this blog, read about the steps you can take to ensure your legacy Netezza system runs at peak performance well beyond the IBM end of support date.

Netezza Support
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The Netezza Mako N3001-## range reaches end of OEM support in 12 months. Here's a roundup of the products and services we offer to not only extend the life of your Mako but also to drastically reduce the overhead of managing the next generation of Netezza, whether on-premises, or in the Cloud.

Rubic Cube Team
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IBM’s Netezza Performance Server systems are incredibly fault tolerant and are known to require far less effort to administer than a traditional RDBMS. This can, however, lead to a false sense of security, and so when DBA resourcing levels are reviewed, some businesses will attempt to reduce costs by handing over the day to day running of Netezza to a non-specialist team. But is this a good idea?